Roto Grind Tub Grinder Model 760 Capacities

Alfalfa and Straw

Horsepower Coarse Grind Medium Grind Fine Grind
70-90 12-20 8-15 5-12
90-125 15-25 12-20 10-16
125-150 22-44 20-36 18-30
150+ 28-50 24-40 20-34

Tons Per Hour

Grass, Cane, Cornstalks, Tough or Wet Hay

Horsepower Coarse Grind Medium Grind Fine Grind
70-90 8-12 6-10 4-8
90-125 10-16 8-12 6-12
125-150 10-20 8-17 8-15
150+ 14-25 12-24 10-20

Tons Per Hour

Ear Corn

Horsepower Medium Grind Fine Grind
70-90 8-18 5-15
90-125 10-20 10-15
125-150 15-30 15-25
150+ 20-34 20-30

Tons Per Hour

Shelled Corn, Dry or High Moisture

Horsepower 90-95% Cracked
70-100 12-20
100-135 15-30
135+ 20-45

Tons Per Hour

Dairy Alfalfa, grinding with alfalfa hammers at 540 r.p.m.

Horsepower Dairy Quality Alfalfa*
50-70 10-20
70-90 15-30
90-120 18-36
120-150 25-50

Tons Per Hour

*4″ to 6″ Length grind, with less dust and leaf loss

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